I was contacted by a friend who works with a research foundation in the UK, asking if I was interested in supporting the research. Other than Toys for Tots, and some food can drives, I’ve never been that involved in charities. This time it was different. This is a research foundation dedicated to shortening the drug regimen for drug-resistant TB. This was more than inline with my life. This is my life. I was in.
“How can I help?”
“Well, we are looking for someone that can represent the fight against tuberculosis, and help us raise money, running the marathon.”
Well, I’m all about representing the fight! I’ll put like $100 towards the efforts…wait a minute, did you say RUN a marathon?”
The last time I ran a marathon was…oh, never. In peak physical condition, I wouldn’t give a second thought to training for a marathon, to run one day. Now I was not in peak physical condition. I’d been a couple of weeks away from dead. There are abscesses in my spine, which is weak and brittle from TB bacteria. My BMI is over 25%. My hip flexors feel like they rotted away because…well, they were rotting away. I was a couple of months out of surgery to remove tuberculoma from my brain. They got some out. Others are still there. I could not get out of bed without pain. Now, I’m being asked if I’m interested in running a 26.2 miles?! Impossible. Given years of planning, maybe, but never in 6 months time. It reminds me of a particular scene in “The Princess Bride.”
Instead of a wheelbarrow, I have a friend named Flip. Flip is a NSCA certified personal trainer. I shared the idea of running a marathon, waiting for him to say, “That’s a bit too ambitious.” Instead he said ,”London? Cool, I always wanted to go there. Got some airline miles built up. We need to start training you now.”  So I tried to run a mile.

Yeah. That was August. Doing 26 times that in less than 8 months might count as ambitious. Flip wouldn’t let the idea go. Flip put me in touch with Carlos, CEO of Powerful Yogurt. I shared my plan with Carlos, and not only did he think it was a great idea, but he extended the offer to train with the Powerful Yogurt team. Carlos and Flip also decided to put a fire under my butt by registering me in the Miami Half Marathon, to run with the Powerful Yogurt group.

Then to make sure I couldn’t back out, Flip announced the plan to the world. We ran on my birthday. We ran on his birthday. We ran Sunday mornings with Powerful Yogurt. I ran on the beach with Raven. Tomorrow I run in the ING Marathon/Half Marathon.  They give us  4 hours to cover the distance. Some do it in just over an hour. I am not doing it for time. There may be cars honking and police officers clearing barricades away, as I lumber along the sidewalk of the Venetian parkway. I am not stopping until I finish 13.1 miles. I’m going to see it through, because there’s enough folks out there that won’t let me live with doubt.

I get up at 4:30am to go to the American Airlines Arena, and I’ll tell you, I am a little nervous about it. Guess I’ll head to bed. Tomorrow is a big day. See you guys on the other side of the finish line. And be careful who you hang out with. They will find powerful ways to help you run in the right direction.

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